Welcome Back, Kincaid
I never actually left but, I did take a big step back and did what was in the limits of my capacity. If you don’t know by now I made the tough but necessary decision to close my studio in September of 2024.
The summer was probably one of the hardest and confusing times of my life. I felt like nothing was going to plan, personal life was a mess, and to top it off I was closing a place I dedicated a lot of hours to over the years.
Overtime I realized the studio became an attachment to my name instead of an extension. My identity, worth, and creativity became attached to a place instead of the person — Kincaid.
During my hiatus, I reflected a lot on my past and upcoming work to help define who I am as an artist and who my art resonates most with. I’m still working on the answer to that question. However, if you were to ask me today on Superbowl Sunday I’d say…
Kincaid Elaine is a daughter to Afro Latino and Caribbean parents, a black woman creative who enjoys blending sound, words, photography, video into multiple works of art. Kincaid uses past experiences, her culture, blackness, womanhood, and love to propel her vision forward and tell a story of belonging and acceptance. She hopes her work allows Black Women and Girls to feel seen, protected, and adored.
All this to say, I’m ready to work. I’m ready to share all the ideas I’ve locked away and forgot about and ready to keep learning about myself in the process. If you read this to the end, thank you. I hope you too know and are learning what makes you, you. Thank you for being here.
Kincaid Elaine